Select a plan: 130% After 1 Day
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $200 105.00
Plan 2 $201 - $500 106.00
Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 107.00
Plan 4 $1,001 - $3,000 108.00
Plan 5 $3,001 - $5,000 110.00
Plan 6 $5,001 and more 130.00
78% Daily for 2 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $200 55.50
Plan 2 $201 - $500 56.50
Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 57.50
Plan 4 $1,001 - $3,000 58.50
Plan 5 $3,001 - $5,000 60.00
Plan 6 $5,001 and more 78.00
180% After 2 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $200 113.00
Plan 2 $201 - $500 115.00
Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 117.00
Plan 4 $1,001 - $3,000 119.00
Plan 5 $3,001 - $5,000 123.00
Plan 6 $5,001 and more 180.00
375% After 7 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $200 137.00
Plan 2 $201 - $500 144.00
Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 151.00
Plan 4 $1,001 - $3,000 158.00
Plan 5 $3,001 - $5,000 167.00
Plan 6 $5,001 and more 375.00
850% After 15 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $200 180.00
Plan 2 $201 - $500 195.00
Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 210.00
Plan 4 $1,001 - $3,000 225.00
Plan 5 $3,001 - $5,000 250.00
Plan 6 $5,001 and more 850.00
2362% After 30 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 300.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 450.00
Plan 3 $1,001 and more 2362.00
Добавлено (29.04.2011, 06:56)
Мой вклад (78% Daily for 2 Days)
Date: April 26, 2011 8:44:19 PM
Amount Paid: $10.00 USD
Reference Number: 6BB26-XXXXX-XXXXX
Seller Name: cititrader
Seller Email: invonlinepro@yahoo.com
Item Description: Deposit to picoprofit.com User atriatik: N/A
Инстант выплаты
Добавлено (29.04.2011, 07:01)
Добавлено на два дня
Date: April 28, 2011 10:58:46 PM
Amount Paid: $10.00 USD
Reference Number: DBAC9-XXXXX-XXXXX
Seller Name: cititrader
Seller Email: invonlinepro@yahoo.com
Item Description: Deposit to picoprofit.com User atriatik: N/A